Our Place

Dana Mecum; the auto auction guy.
You know him, the guy who bought the old Piggly Wiggly building over in Walworth and filled it up with macho muscle cars for his television show. The guy who built the twenty-five thousand square foot home on Geneva Lake and crowned it with a distinctive ‘minaret’. When local merchants deal with Mr. Mecum, there are some things they ought to consider. He has filed a three hundred-thousand-dollar lawsuit in Walworth Court against a local Lake Geneva merchant. The store he is suing did not do what he wanted them to do. It turns out that one of Mr. Mecum’s people sold off some of his stuff to the store. In good faith the store melted a medal down and sold it for scrap. Now Mr. Mecum wants his medal back in the form of three hundred grand.

There’s no way the store can pay the three hundred thousand, and Mr. Mecum has to know that, if he has half a brain (outside of knowing old muscle cars and old muscle car guys). The store can’t afford the kind of high-powered Chicago law firm Mr. Mecum has retained to go after them. Mr. Mecum likely knows that too. So what is he doing? After the video of his behavior in the store was put up on the internet (try you-tube.com) he’s probably trying to repair his male machismo. The store owner is a woman. Wonder Woman, in this particular case, or so it is hoped.


After all, you signed it.
If you want to get the Lake Geneva City Council to approve your new conditional use permit to own and operate a retail business in Lake Geneva, then you sign whatever they put in front of you, or you take a hike. What’s in that little document you are signing? It says in there, that you must submit to all the city ordinances, including the ones about paying fees for stuff that is mostly nonsense, if not all nonsense. How about signing for having an engineering survey and decisions being made about your business sign. No, your sign, although already approved by the council, it will not be allowed until you pay sixty bucks, or more if you are a big business with a big sign, for a ‘sign review.’ You agreed to all the application and your cooperation on all ordinances. So pay up. Municipalities have become like the banks. You pay an ATM fee there, one to the bank that owns the ATM, and then one to your own bank that has your money. It costs the bank nothing to do that transaction. Just a form of legal theft. Like overdraft fees, even when they don’t pay the overdraft. You pay double on parking fines if you don’t pay in a few days. Why? Because the city can. Like the new parking rates. They are doubling. Until you get mad enough, nothing is going to happen. Mad enough yet?


The Veteran’s Walk came and went on Saturday.
In this latest threat to the continued existence of the Geneva Shore Path, the veteran’s group, put together by the Wisconsin Veteran’s Outpost, showed up in diminished numbers last Saturday. There were about twenty vets walking and about thirty friends and dogs tagging along behind. That was it. No hundreds, and certainly no thousands. It was almost a non-event. Mr. Ryan Lonergan, the head of the organization, was there. He walked, but didn’t make it the whole twenty miles. The reason he gave? Bad shoes. Twenty miles is a long way on a mostly grass, gravel and dirt path. Mr. Lonergan found that out, as did a few of his followers. It is hoped that other organizations that might consider the path as a place to cheaply hold their entertainment or recreational events might lose their interest. The Muck-Suck cancelled, and the Veteran’s Walk was sort of a veteran’s ‘wandering about.’ It all turned out okay, though, and nobody had to be evacuated or cared for beyond blisters and bad shoes.

Goats and  Yoga

Oak Hollow Acres

Oak Hollow Acres is a family run farm on Springfield Road in Burlington. Abby loves the Nigerian dwarf goats they raise and wanted to share them with everyone. She teamed up with Megan, a yoga instructor, to host Goat Yoga classes. It is a silly and fun way to get some exercise and connect with nature


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