I’m not giving you my name so that you can pillar me like you have done to my friends.   You have embarrassed a wonderful family living on Main Street, and you did it because they exercised their constitutional right to give their opinion by decorating the front of their house.  Your publication told people to toss their trash into the front yard of the house as they passed.  I’m not sure but I think that’s worthy of a threatening lawsuit right there.  You hurt another friend of a friend of mine by taking the manager of an auto repair shop over the coals simply because he told you off over one of your people’s reckless driving across the back-parking lot of the place he rightfully manages.  It’s a good think the owner of the business feels that your publication is the same kind of trash that I do.  I don’t expect you to publish this letter, or you may after you edit it to make yourself look better.  That you continue to operate in and around the City of Lake Geneva is a measure of just how much patience this part of Wisconsin has.  You would have been burned out long ago if had started your rag down In Kentucky or Georgia or one of those.  I’d walk really carefully if I was one of the staff at that paper, especially in crosswalks.  Too bad Wisconsin is not one of the states that is passing legislation to let the public run over creeps like you.


The post mark was Harvard, Illinois…maybe where he or she works).  No return address.  We try to publish all the letters to the editor that come in, no matter what position they are taking, as long as racism and foul language are not part of the writing.  Editor

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