Surprising Stuff

Hank Sibbing, the classiest judge in all of Wisconsin.
This great man has served the city selflessly for 38 years and the staff of the Geneva Shore Report believes recognition for that is appropriate.  Hank has been a dedicated servant of Lake Geneva since he made his home here in 1978. He is a pillar of the community and a person of great integrity. He raised his six children in Lake Geneva, believing that the community was an awesome community for his children to learn, grow, and make lasting relationships.   He has dedicated his entire adult life, even while working through serious health issues, to serving the community of Lake Geneva as its city attorney and judge, always with only the best interest of the city at heart. Hank attended Marquette University and received his undergraduate degree from The University of Southern California. He obtained his law degree from Southwestern Law School. At the age of 59, Hank was steadfast at continuing his education, getting a master’s degree in counseling from the University of Whitewater. He has a recognized specialty under his counseling degree, certified as a drug and alcohol counselor.   He did so with every intention to better serve those coming before him in the court, which is especially true, as evidenced by his commitment to working with the juveniles in his court. Hank gives corrective direction effortlessly, listening to each individual juvenile’s case. He is committed to the youth of this community. He is committed to this city for which he has given so much, and everyone in and around the city needs to recognize that.

  • Moved to LG in 1978 opened his law office/practice
  • Ran for City Attorney in 1980 at the request and support of Lake Geneva Aldermen
  • Elected LG City Attorney from 1980 – until 1996
  • Ran for LG Municipal Judge in 1997
  • Elected LG Municipal Judge in 1997 – 2019; elected in 2019 to serve another 4-year term
  • Hank is the longest elected city official of Lake Geneva to date; 38 years with a four-year judicial term still ahead of him.

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