Looking at the Bright Side


You have probably heard the statement that “time is money.” Time is actually considerably more than money. Time is the most valuable commodity there is, and how it is used is what life is all about. Time cannot be stored, however, the benefits of how that time is used can be enjoyed, stored, shared, transferred or stolen. This ability to store, and transfer, the benefits of time is a fundamental principle that enabled the building of the universe, the creation of life, the evolution of man and the complex rise of civilization. Of course, this is where governments step in to collect their share. A government’s use of those benefits can amplify, or waste, those benefits, and governments are notoriously known to excel at both “Wasting” and “Amplifying” those benefits”.

So how does the City of Lake Geneva’s government stack up?
Does every tax dollar that the city takes from a residents get returned as a dollar’s worth of benefits, or does a portion of that dollar get siphoned off or wasted?

How much property tax money does the city collect from us?

  • The city’s Total Tax Levy (our city property taxes) = $6,487,506.
  • Number of Lake Geneva Households is approximately: 4,325 households
  • Cost per household= about $ 1,500 per year

What do citizen’s get for the nearly seven million?

  • City water and sewer? No, residents pay for that in water bills.
  • Maintenance of roads and streets? No, the state gives the city $700,000 to do that.
  • Shoveled sidewalks? No. Do it yourself.
  • Riviera, Lake Front & Beach? No, the beach and lake front fees pay for that.
  • Two hours of Free Parking? No, the parking meter fund pays for that.
  • Beach Passes? No, there are beach fees for that, plus paying for a patch.
  • 911 phone calls? No, even that’s paid for with an added tax on phone bills.

So what do we really get for paying our city property taxes?

  • Cemetery
  • Library
  • Garbage pick-up, and limited leaf and brush pickup.
  • Maintenance of city property and parks.
  • Police service
  • Fire service. Except for all those charges not included in the service provided.

Is Lake Geneva getting a square deal for the almost seven million dollars a year?

You must decide that.


Sidewalk unshoveled Lake Geneva

Downtown Lake Geneva after the season’s first snow. Note how many businesses are fully
in compliance at ten-thirty in the morning? Almost none. Because it’s that hard for them
to get open and get out and clear the walks. The city needs to step in and walk the walk
and push the shovel where it counts of Lake Geneva’s small businesses.

More Looking on the Bright Side


Tristin Crist Magician Lake geneva

That’s the magician Tristian Crist working under blue lights so the build in he’s doing
over across from the museum (the small but very powerful Magic Theater) will only be
noticed by people wearing special lenses. It’s a magician thing. Call 262-248-0505 and get
a ticket. They start on December 10 and the place is going to rock!



Christmas decorating Lake Geneva WI

Lake Geneva begins to light up with Christmas in the air and right on the horizon. Thanksgiving will send everyone off into the Christmas spirit, gift buying and decorating. The Mill House has already started with it’s preliminary decorations going up last weekend. Lovely.

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