There are some very angry people in Town of Linn and they’re mad as hell about being ‘forced’ to have had to use a technicality to blow back the Geneva Inn and it’s plan to commercialize Lake Geneva. Rumors about emotional rebound bounce about the court of public opinion. Will Town of Linn come back and entertain another, more ‘technically correct’ version of the original proposition shot down in the previous town board meeting? Will 2nd Story Torhorst, lawyer of wealthy renown, be suited up and sent back in following his latest visit up to Eagle River, Wisconsin where there isn’t as much heat?
Will the Linn Board attempt to rewrite the rules currently written about notifications for planned changes to the comprehensive plan so they’ll never be stopped by some technicality again?
The rumor mill grinds away but the Town of Linn remains silent.
Quiet. Too quiet.


Lake Geneva Police Chief Rasmussen

Police Chief Michael Rasmussen

The Lake Geneva Police Chief.
Last week a lousy Lake Geneva cop went after the Chief of Police. He filed a petition to have the chief dismissed for cause but he didn’t submit any valid causes. He, through his highly paid attorney in Delavan (who paid that guy, anyway?), submitted a whole raft (99 pages!) of rumor and innuendo all slathered in an overly sweet frosting of hearsay evidence.   Often complained about but heartily defended by the police officer’s union, officer Dyon lost his first attempt to fire the chief. The police and fire commission voted to dismiss the complaint at its last meeting “with prejudice,” which means officer Dyon is free to attempt to submit some of more substance as some future date, if he can come up with somebody else to pay thousands to another high priced attorney.It is time for the City of Lake Geneva to decide that it has exhausted its patience with this errant officer? Filing a petition to have your boss fired and having the petition fail should be enough all by itself.

It’s rumored that Lake Geneva is that man’s fourth police department. If there’s truth to that rumor then maybe, just maybe, those other three departments knew something that Lake Geneva has only recently discovered about the man. The Geneva Shore Report did not run the story earlier about Chief Michael Rasmussen simply because there seemed no point unless the police and fire commission moved to act on it in some way. Absolutely everything the Geneva Shore Report has discovered about Chief Rasmussen, over the course of the paper’s existence, the last four years, has conclusively demonstrated that the man is about the best police chief Lake Geneva, Walworth County and the entire State of Wisconsin has ever had. The community needs to work to keep such a man on the job protecting everyone and making sure that protection is provided fairly, quietly, without violence and with intellectual intent.

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